I made an attempt to visit Guitar Center on Saturday. I was ready to throw down some real cash too.
I arrived to find about twenty sheep, standing six feet apart on the sidewalk. All in masks, waiting to get into to the store at limited capacity.


Needless to say, I turned around and got right the f^ck out of there. I refuse, REFUSE, to do business with a bunch of morons wearing paper masks on their faces and acting as if they’re protected from a virus.
My wife tried to do a little shopping with some national chain stores too. Same story, sheep, with tampons on their faces, lined up to find out what all the new rules are, in order to look at overpriced handbags.
My hope and fervent prayer, on this #MemorialDay is that my fellow Americans start establishing and finding local, small businesses where people aren’t expected to pretend as if a $20.00 dust mask, from Walgreens is doing anyone any good. This 💩 needs to come to halt.
I hope and pray that the Trump administration can usher in a new era of American business. One in which people are treated like adults, and in which a person can buy a shovel, can opener, dress, or guitar that isn’t made in China.
And a place where a person doesn’t have to stand at the front door and study a list of rules in order to buy a loaf of bread.
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