Today also happens to be the 30th anniversary of Vic Tayback’s passing. How will you commemorate it?
You could express gratitude for the fact that Polly Holliday and @Linda_Lavin are still very much with us.
You could act like a millennial, find a photo of Vic when young, post it, and write something like, “Mmm, Vic Tayback was a *snack* back in the day.”
You could learn that Mel’s distinctive cap on “Alice” was actually a white U.S. Navy “Dixie cup” hat with the brim rolled down, a nod to Vic’s service in the Navy.
And/or you could honor Vic’s Syrian heritage by making a donation to Doctors w/o Borders ( @MSF_USA), whose work on behalf of the country’s displaced persons is more urgently needed than ever. (Vic’s mother and father were immigrants from Aleppo named Hanood and Najeeb.)
You can follow @MrKamp.
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