knowing harry styles, he is the king is spreading love. he says it all the time and always tells us to do it. it’s something he’s proud of and something that he loves to share with us.
it’s what matters the most. harry styles once said;
“we have a choice, every single day that we wake up, of what we can put into the world, and i ask you to please choose love every single day. be a lover. choose love. give love”
~harry styles 2017
that shows you someone like harry is very loving and affectionate towards people he meets. he isn’t disrespectful or rude in anyway. even though some fans may treat him wrong, he still gives love to them no matter what.
harry styles taught me to simply spread love. to no matter what give love and affection to everyone. people may not give it back, but at least you did your part in being the loving one.
thank you harry x
end of thread.
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