Some believers, because of a fear of hyper-emotionalism have discarded all emotions from the life of faith.
It is true that my feelings are not the barometer of truth, but is it true that my feelings are not important at all? I don’t believe so.
God speaks to and relates with the whole person. He doesn’t want to be known only cognitively, but experienced in the realm of our emotions.
This morning as I studied 1 John 3:1-3, I was struck by the privilege of being a child of God. I was overwhelmed with emotions and felt a great warmth in my heart. I didn’t work this up; the power of truth overwhelmed me emotionally.
God truly has called me His Son and manifested great love towards me in saving me and sealing me with His Spirit. I rejoiced in this truth and FELT happy!
Does it mean that if tomorrow I study that same scripture and feel nothing, then I am any less a child of God? Not at all! Should I go into my time of study primarily looking for feelings? No! Truth remains truth whether I feel it or not.
The actual presence of Christ with us is greater than our experience of it; it is greater than our feelings at any given time. Some have become a slave to feeling in such a way that they search for it and judge God’s presence by it.
We need balance! God does attend to us emotionally sometimes! And that is to be affirmed and enjoyed. But even when we don’t particularly feel anything, His truth remains. His love remains!
God is not just an idea to be dissected..but a person to be enjoyed!
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