I used to lament the fact that I didn't have more IRL friends in the INFOSEC community, but over the last couple of days I'm actually relieved that I don't. This whole #Mousegate thing has really opened my eyes and I don't think I'd want to know with any of you IRL.
So buckle up for a long thread that should probably be a blog post, but no one reads my blog... Or my Twitter for that matter*. So why write this? Because it needs to be said. Whether anyone actually listens is another matter.
Also because I think the whole community could use a little more humility right now, a bit of a gut check if you will.

I've always said I'd rather be slightly, and momentarily embarrassed than coming off as some sort of creep, my ego is not fragile.
For a moment I also want you all to think about the clique you're in. I used to go to CONs and feel like an outsider because I couldn't get in with any of the cliques (thanks for this thread @marcusjcarey
And to be clear, I don't know many/any of you IRL.

I have no dog in this hunt.

All I know is that you all need to take some time to reflect and maybe think about why you support certain people and not others.
Because we consistently move goalposts for what we find as acceptable behavior because they're major contributors or rock stars, I'll cite Applebaum and Draper as two who for years had a chorus of apologists who would try to shush any dissent.
So to the topic at hand.

From the best that I can put together by following some threads this is what the whole lot of you look like from the outside looking in.
Some guy (Dan) makes a CTF, makes up a cast of characters, and puts it up. Good for him, as someone who runs a CTF I know that they are a labor of love and take a lot of time and effort.
Someone notices some antisemitic connotations and calls it out, publicly, and rightly so in my opinion. (out of curiosity I'd love to see the Venn diagram of people who preach full disclosure while also saying that this should have been handled as a DM, but I digress)
The CTF creator, rather than take a moment to consider the validity of the argument takes umbrage as criticism is a hard blow to the ego, even with all the work I've done to suppress mine, I do get my feelings hurt at times.
Other people chime in stating the same, The CTF creator doubles down on the fact that the character is just that, history be damned.

Then things take a turn.
First comes the strawman: "Jackie called Dan a Nazi!

I have yet to see anyone except for one tweet where anyone has directly called Dan a Nazi or Racist but if I've missed it please feel free to reply to this tweet with the evidence.
Then the direct attacks on Jackie, and others, because now it's not just about defending Dan's actions, it's about tearing down anyone who calls him out.
Then we have the people chiming in saying they're Jewish and they don't find anything at all offensive.

Tha's nice, but the last time I checked you weren't the spokesperson for the global Jewish community.
Then, and this is the one that puts a burr in my saddle, we have the people coming in saying that they have Jewish friends, family, ancestors, etc. and they don't find it offensive.

OK, Really you lot really just need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
And the chorus of people saying that it's a digital character and that any other name would be taken as an offense, etc, etc, etc.
Eventually, some people express more details about the history of Nazi propaganda to Dan and he concedes that there may be something wrong with the character's name.

The problem though is that the mob on both sides has already been incited and are still going at each other
Ad-hominem attacks ar character assassinations are still being carried out, tone policing is rampant. And the initial combatants are silent. Why? I have no idea, probably pride, neither side wants to, or will, admit to any initial wrongdoing.
Both sides are digging in and using whatever defensive mechanisms at their disposal. Screenshots are flying, ominous threats are tweeted at employers, the battle lines are still there, why?


I played the 5 Whys game ( ) and each time it comes to the same thing. Jackie called out Dan and Dan refused to acknowledge that there could be an issue.
Any of Jackies past actions or behaviors bear nothing on the validity of her argument.

The argument stands on its own, if you want to refute the argument, then do so, without attacking her, or any others defending the argument.
Just because you don't like her it doesn't make her claim invalid, many others have called out the same thing and I'll leave it to people like @blenster take you down that rabbit hole.
Conversely liking Dan doesn't make him infallible, or the claim invalid.
And there's nothing wrong with (dis)liking either Jackie of Dan. Those are your feelings, they are valid, but don't let your feelings cloud your thinking on this. You're all so-called professionals, treat this like you would any other professional situation.
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