Okay this might be a Hot Take(tm) but uh..... watching porn doesn't actually 'scar' some early teens*. I'd be willing to go out on a limb and even say MOST early teens! I was watching porn in middle school just for kicks.

*of their own volition and under their own control
Like, I understand that there's a vocal group of people who talk about how porn on the internet RUINED THEIR CHILDHOOD and DESTROYED THEM EMOTIONALLY and xyz and zyx so all porn must be BANNED and like....
... bruh the 13 year old in me is just whining about being cockblocked.
I'm inclined to sympathize when people talk about their trauma but honestly, we way overlook actual normal human development when it comes to sexuality on this site. I was having weird kinky sexual fantasies before i really even knew what sex was.*
*when i was iirc 9 or 10 i had an imaginary story focusing on genderbending, torture and like? lots of 'thats a penis!' moments? i didn't even know what you'd do with one, but i sure did know they were interesting.
Its not as though people only start thinking about sex or wanting to have sex when they turn 16, or 18. Legal age of majority ≠ immediate moment of development. Everyone is a bit different but there's a reason high schoolers are constantly making sex jokes and it's not because
they AREN'T interested in sex.

That's not to say that I think 14 year olds should be going out and having sex, or that adults should be having relations with minors. But porn/smut/etc allow those kids to engage with sex in a way that is significantly safer than just having it.
also like teens aren't stupid and we know what the fuckin back button is. When i came across incest porn i clicked out of it. I refuse to believe that kids these days don't know how to do that. Its nonsensical at best. A
also (obviously) this thread isn't accounting for grooming or sexual harrassment. Don't ask me 'but what about grooming?' as that's literally a different issue.
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