Would you look at one trick pony fandom again ♥️
I guess Oh My Girl stole the album in question and sold it themselves, and that's why WM says they never heard about the whole thing.
This is tragic. Which scandal, babe? Shindong followed them on insta just the other day.
Meanwhile miracles
The irony ☕
I would say it's funny but it's actually sad because Lovelyz deserve way better fans than you.
The way it's almost always COMPANY STANS who actually only stan boygroups from the said company 💅
Saving receipts of all the lies abd victim card playing because i just KNOW they will do that again
Receipts 💅
Just for reference 😉
Keep the receipts flowing, yeah
Imagine being this dumb, that's literally fanfiction, and a bad one sgrhfjjfjtj
I'm sure there's more but I'm tired physically and mentally from this shit.
Just one final touch of irony.
I am so tired. We were getting hate all the time even before Oh My Girl actually made it to there they are supposed to be. And it's even harder because they are still public friendly group instead of of having a massive fandom, so they are an easy prey.
And boy oh boy. I am pretty sure non-english tweets i saw are actually even worse.
In conclusion: company stans are always trash. No exceptions.
The mass hate from korean miracles they have been talking about https://twitter.com/notnetizenbuzz/status/1264917021667610624?s=19
More of the said mass hate https://twitter.com/notnetizenbuzz/status/1264917086561873920?s=19
Aren't you people tired from your own lies
Yeah, right.
Their receipts vrdbttjjgg
More receipts of "miracles hating on Lovelyz"
Such miracle, very omg stan
And you going to pretend this is not victim card? The level of denying reality.
I demanded proofs from them. They proof was "i saw lovelinus tweeting about that!" Sure, Jan.
I don't even look for them, they keep coming at me themselves. Keep embarrassing yourself, keep proving you are hateful.
More "solid proofs" of miracles hating on Lovelyz
They are basically all like that
And who wants to bet this acc with 5 followers and unrelated pfp is a troll?
This is tragic, man, truly tragic.
Yes, you're toxic ♥️
FYI a look for any tweets on the situation. And so far i found ZERO tweets from miracles, but a lot of this shit.
More of wild fanfiction about a whole COMPANY plotting this. I can't
Facing wllm stans logic as a miracle. A tragedy in four acts.
And they keep pretending they just want some imaginary stans to stop coming for them... No, dear, we can see you're just looking for excuse to hate on omg.
Some more reactions on hate comments nobody ever saw.
No, babe, you're just toxic so n your own.
I think we found the answer. They admitted they are just bitter about Queendom. Case closed.
How the fuck it's our or omg's fault? Who knows.
Still can't figure out what did they want from wm. Half of them are angry the agency couldn't confirm anything (what did you want them to confirm???), half of them is mad they answered even "??? Idk man" (do you want them to hang up in silence or something??)
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