What is the upper limit for #MiSTerFPGA? This is a popular question. Here’s a thread with my thoughts on that topic.
PlayStation core by @Laxer3A is currently in development and may test the upper limit for bandwidth. We are all very hopeful that this system will be possible. Remember too that we already have a very good GBA core.
Not yet in development but absolutely certain is Capcom’s excellent CPS2. Other arcade contemporary and earlier systems like PSG, System 16, and Konami are all also plausible.
So when will we replace the de10 nano and migrate to a new platform? Not soon. The de10 nano is an incredible value because it is subsidized. A meaningful upgrade to an existing board on the market would mean moving from a $140 board to a $1000 one.
My favorite core to wish for is the Sega Saturn which is a notoriously complex system which would unfortunately also have bandwidth needs that exceed what the current MiSTer platform could provide.
Other systems which are feasible for core development but not on the current MiSTer platform include the Sega Dreamcast, Naomi, Titan, later Cave games, and Capcom CPS3.
An N64 core is also very early in development and simply not feasible (accurate full speed) on the current hardware.
Nintendo DS core is in development (by the creator of the fantastic GBA core) but is unlikely to run accurately and at full speed for the full library on the current MiSTer platform. This will be the first core that simply exceeds the hardware bandwidth needs.
Systems beginning with GameCube, XBox, PS2 etc. are not only not feasible for the current platform but would be so challenging that they should be considered not feasible for FPGA implementation at all without AI assistance.
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