Thoughts while rewatching Captain America - Civil War: Tony presented with lingering daddy issues early on that they tie up beautifully in Endgame.
But wait. Everything in this movie is tied to family and especially father issues.
Tony’s issues with Howard Stark.
The beginnings of Tony’s surrogate fatherhood with Peter - including the subtle hint at the realization and contrition over bringing a kid to a big boy fight.
Peter - clearly recently lost his father figure.
Hawkeye - fried and failed to be a family man.
T’challa - A child consumed by revenge for his father
Zemo - A father consumed by revenge over the loss of his children
Wanda - Tony and Steve clearly think of her as their kid of sorts. She’s stated to be “grounded”. “She’s just a kid.” Etc etc
Even Natasha is playing the role of mom deftly navigating both sides in a familial conflict.
They even pull in Scott Lang, who while not playing the dad role much here, is entirely motivated as a character by his love for his daughter.
We see a broken family struggling to keep it together, a man grieving his family driven to horrible things, a man grieving over his father headed down that path until he sees his struggle in the other man and steps down.
I don’t know how to end thread, thank you for coming to my dumb comic nerd TED talk.
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