If quarantine of healthy persons is enforceable under punishment of jail, the accusation "Exposure" by Contract Tracers (who found the accused via movements of a Covid+ person) is a criminal offense. Therefore, we need due process, a jury of our peers, defense of crime "Exposure"
2) They say that cooperation is voluntary, but they are lying. https://twitter.com/buske_natalie/status/1264929105050505218?s=20
3) If we defend ourselves in court, if accused of "Exposure", would Covid as an argument by the prosecution stand? How can it, when there are effective treatments and a high recovery rate?
4) How does Covid meet the criteria for a crisis of such level as to override Constitutional rights?


Due process must not be waived when accused of the crime of "Exposure".
5) Contact Tracing is already underway nationwide. Is it in your state? It's in mine- Georgia. https://twitter.com/buske_natalie/status/1264901688105807873?s=20
6) How can we stop this?
Even if we're "misunderstanding" what they're flat out TELLING US they're doing, what protection do we have from abuse? Why should we trust them?
(we shouldn't!)

/end thread/
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