As someone who had Covid & is now in recovery? You don't want to let this trout mouthed yamp in your house. You want her to stay the fuck away from you. I am far from one of the worst case scenarios and I am in month 3 of recovery. Good news I don't need my inhaler every day!
I'm back to being able to do an hour of physical activity. Again, that's 2 full months after I turned the corner and in my 3rd month of rehabbing physically. I have no underlying conditions, I'm a physically active person in good health with regular access to medical care.
Keep playing these baldheaded games for a white party & I'll see you through the window this fall. I'll be walking with the fam, if you're lucky you'll be able to sit up for Thanksgiving. This is not the flu. This is not a cold. This is Russian Roulette with three loaded chambers
In March when this heffa caught me slipping she beat my ass for several days. In a row. That was bad. But okay fine, I made it. The discovery that I literally could not walk around the block that first day I was able to go outside? I wanted a rematch. Then I remembered I won.
April was all me trying to get back to basic pulmonary health. Getting up to walking a mile (used to walk 6 no problem), being able to work in a day & do literally anything else. By the end of April I could work out in my house for 15 minutes. Then I needed to rest.
I've spent May getting back to where I was when I wasn't consistently working out. Now as we head into June. TO JUNE. I'm hoping to get back to daily workouts. And this is with me challenging myself regularly and sometimes failing. I'm rehabbing every day. That's COVID on easy
Open the door to this vicious little motherfucker if you want to. Personally, I don't recommend it. You might be one of the few asymptomatic people, but statistically you're more likely to at least get a glimpse of the crossroads from that fever dream. It ain't cute. Go home.
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