Dear Virtual Convention Organizers:

While it's great that you are bringing more diversity into your panelist selections, consider that you are still putting an unnecessary barrier in place when you insist program participants buy a membership to your con.
If you insist on this, then you *must* have a way for people who cannot afford $100, $200, $300+ (or the equivalent in your currency) to be involved. Especially since panelists are usually not compensated -- which is fine -- though that means they are paying YOU to participate.
At any time this is problematic. In the middle of a pandemic where financial impact is a major issue? Even more so.

I'm not saying let everyone in for free. I'm saying be sure there are ways for people to get member assistance or a scholarship or something.
And most importantly, put that information prominently on the page where you ask people to sign up for or suggest programming and on the registration page. Now is not the time for you to be hiding that information on a page linked from a page linked from a sidebar.
It's a new world for many with trying to organize a virtual con, and there are many moving parts and much to consider. I understand that, I honor it, I throw no shade. However, don't let that keep you from recognizing when you've missed a problem and then fixing it.

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