Fuck it, ranking all the items in Mario Kart
only including the 8 main games here, because nobody played the Arcade games and Mario Kart Tour is trash
37th place : Coin

-it's just a coin
-you can literally find these lying all over the road
36th place : Banana

-probably the most common item in any game
-pretty bland
-does its job well
35th place : Blooper

-kinda useless because you can just see past the ink
34th place : Super Leaf

-its range is too small to actually be useful
-hella annoying because it stays for like 20 seconds and you can't pick up a new item while using it
-does more harm than good
33rd place : Fake Item Box

-great in games where it actually looks like item boxes
-useless in games where it doesn't because it's too obvious to trick anyone
-doesn't block shells
32nd place : Green Shell

-used more to block red shells than to actually attack someone
-sniping someone with it is satisfying
31st place : Fireballs

-covers the whole track but still never hits anyone
30th place : Yoshi's/Birdo's Egg

-pretty much a red shell
-but scatters random items near the person getting hit
-usually not a good thing to give your opponent good items
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