On Memorial Day.

Thinking today about the many that have been used by the state to force American Inperialism ideologies all over the world, under the guise of American exceptionalism. (1)
Thinking about how they have been disregarded by the same state when the trauma of what they were commanded to do catches up with them. How their families’ trauma has been disregarded when the state’s pursuits has costed them their lives. (2)
Thinking about marketing campaigns and how easily a state can coerce traumatized people who wish to be heroes to prove their worth, to do horrific things to other human beings. And how the hero rethoric has been pushed by Christianity and how harmful it is. (3)
Thinking about a country that has been involved in 12 major wars, which means ppl have been killed for it and ppl have killed in its name for 93% of its existence. Depending on how you look at those wars the US has only had between 16-22 years of peace since it’s inception. (4)
Thinking of what we could all do, the beauty we could create, and the quality of life we could provide if the 54% of the US budget spent on military, was spent elsewhere. (5)
Thinking of the horrific reality of needing a holiday to “honor” deaths that for the most part could have been avoided if powerful people weren’t power hungry. And thinking of the many that die because of war but not at war, and how forgotten they are. (6)
Thinking about how #MemorialDay shouldn’t be a celebration, and a day of BBQs and retail sales, but a day of collective mourning and holding the state accountable.
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