Dear #elitedangerous #pvp #cmdrs,

you may have missed the last 500 years of human development, so here are a few random thoughts:

1. You are not a combat hero when attacking PvE Clippers using your engineered Fer de Lance and... 3 of your buddies in combat vessels

2. You are not someone people want to spend their time with when you repeat this 4v1 attack five times in a row although that PvE Clipper manages to get away each time. You are just someone wasting other people's time

3. Throwing insults like carebear, salty, brainless, gitgud, coward, cheater, hacker at your 4v1 prey won't make that guy fight you, it will make him block you

4. An FdL with 3 plasmas and 2 rails is not a sign of having understood how Elite Dangerous works, so there's no need to point at people flying anything non-meta. They might instead be much more adept about ED than you are

5. "Rebuy is cheap, go mining, now fight me!" might fit in your little "shoot'em'up-with-a-need-to-grind-sometimes" view of Elite. It is neither fun (you are 4v1, remember? So what outcome do you think this will have?), nor is it true: Some people are busy with...

... playing the other 99.9% of Elite outside your "pew pew dead gitgud gg <genitaljoke> scope"

6. "I have left my wing, now show me what you got" as an answer to "get lost, you got no honour attacking me 4v1, I won't fight you, you're toxic" is not helpful. You will wing up and bring your buddies while losing either way

7. "Fight me, coward" doesn't make sense when your "prey" just told you he's in a PvE Clipper that is only slightly modified and you're in a meta Ferdy. Are you really THAT dumb?

8. Elite is a wonderful and huge space sim. It is not your personal "Steal time, wreck havoc" simulator. You are wasting other people's time, either by interrupting their gameplay or by making them grind for money. Either way, you're despicable

I could go on for another ... hundred? ... threaded tweets. I am in open to meet people and to... FIGHT. PvP is wonderful, just not when your opponent compensates mediocre skills by going full MAGA.

Sometimes, I am tired of ED.
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