I am a really good person. I do really amazing things. But that doesn't make me a "safe" person. I am not "safe". No one is. Can you trust me with your kids and vulnerable people? Yes. Can you trust me never to fuck up ever? No. That pedestal is high and I don't want to be on it.
I had to do a lot of work to make myself who I am. Lots of listening lots of revising shitty thoughts and opinions. I cringe at myself on the regular. THE REGULAR. So, the idea that there are people who will never ever mess up, or are the only safe people in a community? Nah
There is no one true safe person in any community. And if someone says they are arbiters of safety? I wouldn't trust them. There is absolutely no one, who is perfect and has never fucked up. Mr. Rogers isn't even excused. And if he isn't excused, then neither is your fav designer
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