#Autism is trending. Cummings son allegedly has it.

Whether this is factually true or not is unfortunately moot at this point. So as an autistic person with a parent who would be described as “overly cautious”, I think there might be some reasoning here.

Thread below.
Prefacing this with: I’m not condoning Cummings. Breaking lockdown was still an extremely dumbass decision.

However, people also happen to be human. Just going off my experience with my own mother, my take is that he panicked. Son is 4, logic failed to play a part in this.
That being said. Its not an excuse. Panic or not it was still extremely reckless. And hiding behind autism as an excuse is also fucking awful.

So instead of focusing on his son. Hold cummings accountable for his poor decision, get him to apologise.
I know I’m gonna get people from either side going at me about specific stuff. I know some parents would rather die then risk the virus, others kinda understand. I’m only writing this thread based on what I know and my own experience with things.
To summarise:
He probably panicked, it was really really dumb. Hold him accountable but don’t make it out to be like he did it intentionally. I’m not a conservative supporter by any means. Just trying to give a slight benefit of the doubt.
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