may 26 2000, the day a princess with her breathtaking beauty, a whole package of talent, and one beautiful heart, was born.

hwang yeji, an amazing human, daughter, friend, and ofcourse, one amazing leader.
dah gausah puitis gue kehabisa kata-kata.. hahay..
happy birthday ka rere, ka aeng, ka yeji, ka hwang, siape lagi nama lo.. :”
big thanks for being the best leader EVER! thank you for taking care of us and remember that us, and midzy always love you and will always be there by your side.
when you feel lonely, bored, sad, happy, mad, you have thousands of ears to listen to your story, you have so many shoulders to lean on, you have so many pair of hands to hug you, so...please note this : you are loved ♡
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