I'm in downtown Richmond yet again. The Reopen crowd is having a protest at the Virginia Capitol.
I found their parking lot as they get ready. There are 20 cars in the lot.
Here is a recap from their last event, as well as link to the ones before that. This group is losing momentum. https://twitter.com/GoadGatsby/status/1260617749027487751?s=19
Looking at this truck, the 4 flags have the creases you see when its fresh out the box. Noticing with another car out of frame.
I am currently taking a knee
This is good for taking a head count. Only 27 people in the parking lot.
This does NOT slap
Cop just shower up, they are all making their ways to their cars.
its a mustache cop
This does slap but John Brown would wipe the floor with these guys
There are people who fell behind and are waiting at a light. There is an unmarked cop car following them.
There are 3 vehicles lagging behind. I am not in a car. So I guess I'll wait until they circle back.
sitting around waiting for them to come back, looks like they are going all the way out to Churchill
Taking the time to enjoy the graffiti
Very unlively bunch, sprinkles of horns, and running lights only to further seperate the group. The streets are unpopulated as it is a holiday during a pandemic.
one thing I see is people holding up flags thru their sunroofs like the passenger in this car
I notice that David Britt is now leading the front if the group.
Some of you might remember David Britt from back in April with the event with the large turnout
Someone asked me what was on this van, all I am going to say is that it is very busy
As is the tradition, someone is playing Twisted Sister
This guy just rode his bike past the Reopen Virginia motorcade.
Here is a Q Anon themed SUV driving along with the rest of the motorcade
only in America
this vehicle is still playing Twisted Sister, imagine being in that car with that song on Loop for 3 hours?
I just found that car's livestream on facebook
It's not a reopen protest him unless someone covers their license plate
I am so glad that I got to experience the inside of the car that plays Twisted Sister nonstop
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