Ivory tower conservatives have learned nothing.

Imagine living through the past three years (and beyond), being told by the Dems on a daily basis that they have every intention of shanking you in the proverbial kidneys, and still playing the pearl clutching game. https://twitter.com/brithume/status/1264609364356276229
Joe Scarborough wakes up every morning and says, "What's stopping me from calling Trump a neo-Nazi? Absolutely nothing." What's stopping the Dems from dragging this country through a second Trump impeachment? Nothing.
Trump represents a modest attempt at course correction. He represents pushback. The Repubican voting base is starving for some kind of pushback. Someone who's willing to say, "No. You're scum. Fuck you." That Trump's "just so damn insufferable about it" is the whole point.
The Dems must be forced to play by their own rules. At the very least, there has to be some personal risk on their end if they decide to try to submarine a duly elected POTUS or SCOTUS nominee, or threaten to dox a guy for creating a GIF, or knowingly push CCP agitprop 24/7.
If Joe's going to spew gaslighting, Pinko-flavored bullshit every day in an effort to undermine a POTUS he doesn't like, he's opening himself up to reprisal. I'd be disappointed if Trump *didn't* strongly suggest he's a murderer. Fuck Morning Joe. Burn his career to the ground.
"But don't you see? You're just perpetuating a cycle. You think the Dems won't respond in kind? At some point someone has to take the high road."

Nah fam. No more Paul Ryan. No more Mitt Romney. No more people who actively fuck over their voting base lecturing me about morality.
"The argument could be made that Trump has been actively fucking over his voting base."

True. But he's what we have right now. Overall, I'm still onboard. He's reshaping the Overton window in a way that no one else could. He's challenging longstanding narratives.
He shits on people who, almost without exception, deserve it. The people who call him a bully are the real bullies you have to worry about. MSM. Career politicians. The entrenched, unelected bureaucratic class. Hollywood. Big Tech. China. They all need to be humbled.

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