1/ Is DJT violating Twitter rules? Not quite, herez why. DJT comes darned close to violating the violent threats policy *You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence* But, he doesn't quite go there.
2/ And *We recognize that some people use violent language as part of hyperbolic speech or between friends, so we also allow some forms of violent speech where it’s clear that there is no abusive or violent intent, e.g., “I’ll kill you for sending me that plot spoiler!”*
3/ Under the hateful conduct policy *You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease*
4/ DJT not doing that to Joe. If Joe were gay or Asian-American, DJT would be violating this *We are committed to combating abuse motivated by hatred, prejudice or intolerance, particularly abuse that seeks to silence the voices of those who have been historically marginalized*
5/ *We prohibit content that makes violent threats against an identifiable target. Violent threats are declarative statements of intent to inflict injuries that would result in serious and lasting bodily harm, where an individual could die or be significantly injured.* DJT clear.
6/ Some on the far-left should know that *We prohibit content that wishes, hopes, promotes, or expresses a desire for death, serious and lasting bodily harm, or serious disease against an entire protected category and/or individuals who may be members of that category* DJT ok.
7/ So, if you can find otherwise, please report the s.o.b., as the u.s.a. could use a few hours of peace. But, as usual, I see him pushing things without quite crossing the line. And, truth be told, I was hoping to bust his flabby ass.
8/ In sum, tweeters who think being gross, insensitive, unpopular, insulting, or indecent violates Twitter rules can stop wasting their energy. Just reply with better ideas and keep moving. Or...there’s always Facebook.
P.S. Why would I take it upon myself to write this thread? 1) boredom. 2) I spend much time explaining the complexities of SEC, FINRA, and state securities rules/laws. The Twitter rules are a cakewalk compared to anything FINRA has to say.
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