I like trolling Rhaegar fans but honestly bruh I respect that nigga so much bruh. He couldve easily sent Lyanna a poem or snuck into her chambers to woo her but instead this nigga took his shot. In public. In front of all they friends and loved ones. Top 5 targ just off that😭
Like bro in theory it's kinda bold to be like "yeah yeah ima crown her queen of love and beauty" but to actually do it? Legend. I would've bitched up as soon as I saw the drunk 6' 4" nigga in the stag hoodie she was spose to be marrying.
Circling back on this, Ned's greatest crime to me personally is calming down Brandon and Robert. He should've instigating so that shit could pop off right then and there. Could you imagine?! The Heir(s) to the North and the lord of Stormlords ganging the crown prince in PUBLIC??
Some shit like that happens and it instantly tests your loyalty bruh. Everybody in attendance gotta immediately choose a side because Rhaegar and Robert slap boxing in the damn courtyard
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