Friends. it is #MemorialDay2020. And as such, it is time to remember our war dead, and our wars.

ALL of our war dead. ALL of our wars.

Including the current war. Which is a different kind of war.

Therefore, I will be reposting my GREATEST HITS threads, about TODAY'S WAR.
USA is currently fighting a war unlike any other war. Asymmetric Warfare, by weak enemies who want to steal the very thing that keeps them weak. Wanna know how that works? Here's a primer.
If you watch Cable News during Presidential Elections, you'll often hear "It all comes down to Ohio."

Ya think our enemies don't know that, too? Guess what? They weaponized an entire state, which also just happens to have some important technology....
Ya know what else our enemies do? Divide us up along ideological/emotional lines, to weaken us. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS BULLSHIT. You are not, I REPEAT, _ARE NOT_ "too smart" to be fooled by this.

That should be enough for y'all to chew on.

Remember, we're at war.

Remember our war dead today.

Peace out. Much love.
Quick add-on comment:

I get judged by the way I look a lot. People make unfair assumptions. Here's the thing: everybody has something to contribute, and maybe not what you'd expect.

This lady is my idol. Just FYI. Learn why.
She. Is. My. Idol.

All the dickweed boys in my high school AP Chemistry and Physics classes, who called me "dumb blonde" and harassed me while I blew the curve for them?

Yeah, women can be smart at science, too. And communications.
You're welcome.
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