My first thread...a Memorial Day tribute to all those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice. @realDonaldTrump #Qanon
As we celebrate Memorial Day, it's important to remember the why. We celebrate to honor the lives of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defending the freedoms of this country and what America stands for.
Many wars have been fought throughout our history, but none is more important than the one we are fighting now. It may not be an 'actual' war in the classic sense, but it is a war nonetheless. The fact that it is a covert war makes it all the more dangerous.
Everything that has made this country great and what has attracted masses of people to our country (including myself) is under attack. Make no mistake...this is a war for our minds, our hearts and our souls. It is a spiritual war unlike any other the world has seen.
The dark forces (Deep State, Cabal, Illuminati...whatever you want to call this insidious evil) have always used the tactics of seduction, division, fear, lack. disease, war, etc. to keep us as their slaves. As long as we are divided, they will thrive.
That is how they have been able to keep their power all these thousands of years. We are at a pivotal moment in the history of humanity. We know it. They know it. This is why we are under attack.
This is why they are trying to strip us of everything that makes us a society of free individuals. Free to think and believe what feels right to us. Free to come and go as we please. Free to make a living. Free to BE.
Fear is a powerful tool and they have used it against us effectively for generations. They mask their control and tyranny in the guise of 'it's for your own good'. They pit us against each other labeling anyone who questions their narrative as dangerous and subversive.
It is only when those who are brave enough to stand up for themselves and the rights of others that we have been able to keep these evil forces from completely shackeling us. However, with this new kind of war, they have the potential to succeed...
just as they did in the time of Hitler. They succeeded because good people remained silent, kept their heads down because of fear of retaliation against themselves and their families.
In order to curry favor with the dictatorship, they even went so far as to snitch on friends and family members who stood up for their rights (If I stand with the oppressors, I will be safe).
Unfortunately an oppressor only knows how to oppress and eventually, they'll oppress you too. So, on this day that we honor all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to guarantee our freedom, I encourage everyone who loves their family, their way of life, this country, and last,
but not least, themselves, to stand up and make your voice heard. They cannot control a country that is united. We have and have always had the power. They just made us believe we didn't.
An awakened society is their greatest fear. It is no surprise they have come after President Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy. He opened the door to the Great Awakening that has taken place during these past years.
His bravery and his commitment to us is unparalleled.The Q movement has also been instrumental in waking up so many people. It galvanized patriots to take action. It reminded us that together we are stronger. Power in Unity.
So today, we give thanks to those who have come before us and defended what this country stands for. FREEDOM. In their honor, we take on that mantle as we stand by our wonderful President Trump and champion the Q movement to ensure we KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
You can follow @PaulaMM999.
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