Hinduism Exposed

The first thing I wanna bring to light is the disgцsting caste system within Hinduism

Apastamba Dharma Shastra [There are] four castes Brahmana, Kshatriyas, Vaishya, and Shudra. Among these, each preceding (caste) is superior by birth to the one following.
he lower castes are reviled and looked down upon individuals born into higher castes can't even speak to shudras (lowest caste)

Vishnu Smriti 71.58-59 “Nor converse with a woman in her flow. Nor with the degraded and low-caste men.” Tr. Manmatha Nath Dutt
Lower castes are so reviled in Hinduism that one cant even step on their shadow!

Usana Samhita 9.89 “By getting on the shadow of a lowcaste person, one should drink clarified butter after bathing. By looking at the Sun in an impure state, one should recite the Mantram Agnindraja
Killing a shudra (lowest caste) is the same as killing an animal!

Mahabharata 12.165.56 “Having slain a dog or bear or camel, one should perform the same penance that is laid down for the slaughter of a Sudra.”
You can abuse Sudras and nothing happens

Gautama Dharma Shastra 12.11-13 But a Brahmana (who abuses) a Kshatriya (shall pay) fifty (Karshapanas), One half of that (amount if he abuses) a Vaisya, (and if he abuses) a Sudra, nothing.
Hindu texts are also FILLED with disgusting immoral acts such as incest , bestiality , r*pe , and fornication. Here is an example of R*pe

Once he [Indra] rap*d the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art, and similarly by becoming invisible he stole the horse of...
..Maharaja Prthu
.” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagawatam 4.24.5

Here is a hindu saint saying women like men who are "experts at r*pe"
...Although rape is not legally allowed, it is a fact that a woman likes a man who is very expert at rape.” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 4.25.41
Here is a Hindu god marrying his daughter

’He, the Viraj called Manu, was united with her, his daughter called Satarupa, whom he conceived of as his wife. From that union men were born.’’ by Shankara on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3, Shankara Bhashya, p.101
In Hinduism there is also a practice called Sati Pratha in which the wife of the deceased husband is burnt ALIVE! on a pyre with the body of her dead husband.
Here is one example

Mahabharata 1.125.33 “Vaisampayana continued, ‘Having said this, the daughter of the king of Madras, the wedded wife of Pandu, ascended the funeral pyre of her lord, that bull among men.”
Here is another example

Devi Bhagavatam 6.25.35-50 "Once Madri, full of youth and beauty was staying alone in a solitary place and Pandu seeing her embraced her and due to the curse, died. When the funeral pyre was ablaze, the chaste Madri entered into the fire and died a Sati"
In Hinduism drugs and alcohol are also promoted 
 I mean they literally have a god of alcohol (not kidding)
 although I wouldn't be surprised at this fact given that these people literally worship EVERYTHING including TOILETS!
here is Hindu god hanuman high as a kite

Mahabharata Vana Parva 3, Section 145, Verse 86 “
The powerful Hanuman, however, opening his eyes partially looked at him (Bhima) with disregard, with eyes reddened with intoxication
here is another Hindu god becoming intoxicated and then fornicating

Devi Bhagavatam 9.40.13-25 “Nñrñyana said :– In ancient days, Indra the Lord of the three worlds, intoxicated with wine and becoming lustful and shameless, began to enjoy Rambha in a lonely grove...
This is just scratching the surface of the filth found in Hinduism 
 anyone who spends more than 5 minutes reading this bull will realize that this "religion" is nothing more than fan fiction written by a bunch of lustful druggies.
This is criticism! Not an attack! Feel free to criticise Islam!
đŸ‘€ Courtesy of Dan
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