“the way we pull services out of monoliths”

Oh. That would be.... that would be.... waiting for it.... https://twitter.com/bjartnes/status/1264877843391164416?s=21
But architecture is not just about breaking things down into parts.

It’s design. In dynamic existing contexts. Focused on systems — dynamic, evolving systems.

More than analysis. More than synthesis.

That it doesn’t compress into a simple definition isn’t the end.
👀 https://twitter.com/bjartnes/status/1264878675801059328?s=21
Calling it something else, can stimulate focus on some things that are important, but at the end of the day, we need a concept of systems and of design across boundaries, and leadership in complexity to facilitate integrity and (requisite) coherence with (requisite) variety.
And this concept has been called architecture — with architects where technical complexity also raises organizational complexity and the dynamically evolving *system* design work is challenging, so needs that focus of attention and expertise
So figuring out what the mess of things is, that an organization does, to keep its systems relevant, resilient and sustainable, is a great contribution. Launching on the premise that the objective is to take down architecture and architects... is...well...
It’s good to ask new questions. To break out of the confines of assumptions we don’t even know we’re constrained by. But if we are motivated to destroy one thing, that is keeping one eye on that thing. Still! Our conceptions evolve. Too. https://twitter.com/ruthmalan/status/1264692740329177088?s=21
Requisite variety (Ashby) and requisite coherence (Snowden/Bloom) is outlined here (from our TLM notes)
(But quoting @cyetain and Klein, as one does. Obviously)
The Marick quote and @cyetain's response is from: https://twitter.com/marick/status/873941548962066432?s=20
And I can't believe the @cyetain quote (on the second page) about requisite variety and requisite coherence was from the VirtuallDDD session on January 16th -- seems like last week or ten years ago... What even is time any more? https://twitter.com/ruthmalan/status/1218046213259452416?s=20
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