I cannot tell you how many times I have broken down crying this year because my mast cell disorder has gotten so much worse I don’t know how to keep living like this because it is so, so hard to avoid malnutrition or anaphylaxis as is & so many people just make fun of us/blame us
And the FDA just came along and took a big giant shit on any ray of hope I might have had. I don’t know how to exist like this.
I feel like I’m in the most anticlimactic Final Destination movie ever. I don’t know how to stay alive.
And I have tried really hard to be understanding with folks complaining about isolation or masks because it IS hard and it’s new for so many, but damn it lots of us have had to live like this for years/decades/lifetimes with far less awareness/understanding/resources/solidarity.
Masks and isolation existed before you personally experienced them and will for many long after coronapocalypse ends. Please try to remember that when you talk about how unlivable it is.
And, yes, understanding people exist, but look at the comments on any article or video about a masto patient. I dare you. And if anyone suggests a magic cure to me in this thread or suggests I’m just not doing enough, I swear to whatever god you fear most, I will curse your line.
This is really fucking hard and I am so tired and I can’t ever get a day off from my body/my reality. We don’t get cheat days.
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