It's not just Memorial Day, it's #MashupMonday! I'm going to give you 3 real @FDRLST headlines and one fake headline from me. See if you can guess the fake...
Option 1: 'Epstein Didn't Kill Himself' Explains Why Trump's Impeachment Is A Sham
Option 2: Since Life Begins At Conception, Are American Born Babies Conceived In Mexico Really US Citizens?
Option 3: Cancel Culture Comes For Hernán Cortés in Mexico
Option 4: Memo To Democrats: Americans Always Pick Jock Presidents Over Nerds
This is not a trick question. Three of these are real Federalist headlines. One is a fake headline by me. Which one is the fake?
And a friendly reminder: please don't reveal the answer on this thread out of consideration for people who want to play.
You can follow @FederalistPitch.
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