the DNC has little power to influence elections, which is why they couldn't stop about ten gazillion peopel running for president, many of whom the DNC absolutely did not want to be running for president.
the DNC didn't really want Biden. Obama literally tried to stop him from running!
over the last 40 years there's been a huge movement to shift power from party actors to voters in primaries, and it's mostly been quite successful!
the donor class didn't really want Biden; he got embarrassingly outraised by Sanders and Warren. electeds were wishy washy; he got way fewer endorsements early on than you'd expect from a former successful VP.
his strength was always in voter support, first in polls, then when people actually voted for him in large numbers.
this sucks in a lot of ways; I do not think he's a good person or likely to be a good president.
but a lot of voters disagree with me.
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