You know I can’t say I believe in ghost per se, but I’ve heard stories from trusted family members, and friends. That being said I’ve experienced 3 weird things in this new place since we moved, here that have given me pause, and made me go “hmmm” 🤔
1. When we first moved in here I was home alone taking a shower. Right as I was drying off there came a “BOOM” from the bathroom door as if someone had pounded it with the meaty side of their closed fist. My first thought was that it was our cat Borris bumping up against it.
So I opened the door fully expecting to see him sitting there; to my surprise he was not. Instead I found him downstairs lazing around in our living room. He’s a pretty hefty cat so he definitely didn’t have enough time to run away between the knock and me opening the door.
I was kind of jittery but I went back to the bathroom; I closed the door behind me. When I get nervous I talk aloud to myself for comfort; so I said with a chuckle “Well... if its a ghost it’ll knock twice.” Another “BOOM” came no sooner than that last syllable left my lips.
I yanked open the door immediately, again hoping and praying to see Borris there; but just like before the spot was only occupied by air.
2. The second instance I was also home alone. It was time to clean our small pets’ cage; and since Borris likes to mess with them, he usually gets put in the basement. That way I could clean without having to supervise their interactions.
This is one of those apartments where they just slather paint over the outlets and doors, everything is covered by years and years of paint build up. It makes opening and closing the doors difficult; you often have to use excessive force to do either.
So I put him down there like normal and closed the door; I pulled on it a few times to be sure it was latched correctly. About 15 minutes later I head the door open. So I ran downstairs only to be greeted by Borris at the bottom of the living room stairs.
I walked into the kitchen and the door leading to the basement was wide open. For a minute I just sat there opening and closing the door thinking “there’s no way Borris opened this door” because I was still stuggling with it.
3. This one actually JUST happened and is what prompted this thread. I was in the bed just here chilling on twitter. When all of the sudden the blinds start moving violently. Now I will say that the blinds in the living room do swing back and forth often
But this because the windows in the living room are drafty and we get a breeze that causes a gentle swing at times. Up stairs was not wind. It looked as if some had taken their hand and violently smacked them for attention. I’ve never seen anything like that sans an open window.
Just to be safe I went downstairs to make sure Borris hadn’t just hopped out of the window frame and I’d just missed seeing him. But I’m guessing that’s a no because this is how I found him:
There isn’t really a breeze today either....
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