one of my worst, if not the worst, childhood/highschool bully of mine added me on Facebook without an apology. why? what more do you want from me? you should be ashamed of how you treated me? how dare you expect my friendship after the trauma you put me through?
yeah I've let some other bullies into my life again without apologies but they were different circumstances and I know for a fact are good people deep down. but you? yeah idk chief!!!!
i wasn't treated well by my teachers or classmates in general but she would gang up on me with this other girl in particular and harass me everywhere I went. called me ugly and poor and made fun of my dysfunctional family. tormented me on school trips, etc
I had. like 2 friends in elementary school. and they were both toxic at times until we grew up and all matured. one stopped talking to me in like grade 6 and one is still my best friend now and I love her to death!!
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