LoTR secret revealed lol. Remember that the orcs are actually trying to start the industrial revolution and they are taken down by a reactionary aristo primmie/shire bumpkin alliance. Also remember that the Elves are coded as kind of Irish/Nordic/Gaelic, like they're supposed to https://twitter.com/Vauung/status/1264905776419811330
represent a kind of pure slightly inaccessible idealised outer Anglo underdevelopment but one that's put in its proper place by being weak, about to fall and in need of alliance/protection. It's not that this isn't in its own way a beautiful vision but it is a vision that the
English reactionarys would prefer for us and we should reject it because our place has always been in the same or worse type of mud as the orc proles and our way out is forward into the technological future, not backwards so we become some quaint pure holiday destination for trad
Anglos! But we should definitely make as much bank as possible simulating this fantasy in our tourism industry, while using it to import and develop as much as we can!
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