A thread about #spider specimen storage..
I know some people find the killing of invertebrates abhorrent so please mute the thread or even unfollow - i won't be going into the ethics here, but happy to reiterate why I feel its necessary to do so if you want to be accurate in your recording.
Obviously comparisons of very similar species like Philodromus rufus and P.albidus would be impossible without specimens
I should start by saying I am covering what I personally do, this may not be the best way! So hopefully others will chip on where they do things differently! #spiderstorage @BritishSpiders @chriscathrine @cofnod @ecology_digest
Spiders can't be stored dry, they have soft abdomens and female spiders like this linyphiid would shrivel making it hard or impossible to discern the epigyne #spiderstorage
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