Africa's light at the end of the tunnel☀️

The Africa day seeks to celebrate the successes and advances of the Organization of African Unity(now called AU).

It was established on The 25th Of May,1963, as a show of fight against imperial colonialism and other challenges we faced at that time.

But a question I ask myself daily "Has Africa as a continent really pulled its weights?"🤔.

Globally,Africa is viewed as that cousin/brother/friend with a family,who always calls when they are in need.They rarely provide value.

I grew up and still growing with the projection of Africa still being the same.

Now, I wouldn't be wrong to hold my forefathers responsible for the present state of the continent, besides, they had the opportunity to transform the fate of Africa.
But I look to my grand & great children, wouldn't they wonder what I did to make the continent a better place for them ? 🤔

Africa is estimated to have a youth(<25yrs) population of about 60% of it's total population.
And guess what??
70% of the world's poorest people live in Africa.

So,we have a large youth base,coupled with an enormous number of families living below $1.90 a day!

All these spells DOOMSDAY.😱
I'd end this thread on a personal experience I had that began my desire for a better Africa.

Growing up,I was fortunate to have parents who placed the comfort of their children above theirs. They would work tirelessly to make sure that our needs were met.
They were not nearly as wealthy as the Elites that have existed,but they sure made sure there was food on the table,clothes on our backs,and a shelter over our heads,quality education.

As a young boy, I didn't place too much importance on this benefits I enjoyed...
All I wanted to do was get back home from school and watch my favourite cartoons.

Fast forward to the moment I was about to enter secondary school. I initially spent my 1st term in a private school, but later completed my junior secondary in a public school...
On resumption,you could tell,as many gazed eyes,thinking amongst themselves "What is this Ajebo(Nigerian lingua for a person who is hasn't experienced the hardness of life) doing in this place?

Well,you wouldn't blame them for thinking that way🤷🏿‍♂️..
Dad would bring me bring me to school in the morning. I'd have my big flask of food wrapped around my neck.

At break time, I'd still go to purchase lots of snacks and drinks from the local shop around😂

After school hours,dad would still come pick me...
After few weeks,I made some friends and when one of them told me that they only ate once a day in their house,and some days, they don't have anything,I felt he was being hilarious.

I just couldn't fathom that it would be possible for such to happen.
You see, I was so blinded by the life I lived that it didn't seem possible that people lived like that.

At that young age, i understood that something was not right. I just couldn't stomach being able to feed squarely, while my neighbour wouldn't...

I began sharing my home packaged meal amongst my friends and would spilt the daily pocket money dad would give me.

Growing up,I then realised that what happened in my country, was a mirror reflection of many other counties across the continent.
These experiences would later form my ideology towards a prosperous Africa.

The dream of a continent is bigger than ONE person, but is achiveable by the collaboration of MANY persons.

Its one of the reasons I'm passionate about African Youth Leadership.
Leaders in time past may have missed the opportunity to make Africa better, but we must learn from history and seize the NOW opportunity.

Am I blinded to the peculiarity and difficulty that plagues the African scene ?

Would i give excuses to justify being lethargic ??

Would I do my best to inspire young Africans towards a better continent??

Do I think it would be a walk in the park??
Lol..I don't think so.

Am I hopeful about a better Africa despite seemingly impossible hurdles to cross??
Check my bio😊
I believe in the uniqueness of Africa...

I believe Africa can be great...

I believe that YOU & I are that light at the end of the tunnel..

Happy Africa Day!!
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