I remember reading a few years ago how the scholars of Syria had so much love and concern for others and their feelings, they would teach people that when you go shopping, use bags which cover the food so if there’s a poor neighbour who sees your endless amount of food
he doesn’t feel upset over his poverty. Or that when your child is playing with a group of children and it’s time to leave, don’t call out “son, let’s go home”, just so that if there’s a child amongst them who doesn’t have a mother or father, his heart doesn’t break over the
longing of having a loving parent to go home to. I came across that post today and i’ve not been able to stop thinking about it. How much care and concern do we show when we interact with other in real life or on sm when we display what Allah has blessed is with 😔
Not everyone has been blessed with the same things we have been blessed with and it’s so easy to forget that on sm when posting highlights of your life is a norm. May we truly be of those who hold so much love for others that we want for them what we’d love for ourselves.
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