LT: I'm writing about the current #unc0ver jailbreak and looking for reasons folks wanna do that in 2020.

Please send cool apps, tweaks, themes, hacks for iOS 13.5 my way. 🙏
Instagram, AC Helper (SwiftUI!), Spotify and Twitter exploded via FLEXing. So interesting to see how something is built.
Springtomize 5 gives you the iPad app switcher, next to loads of other settings. Much prefer the grid over cards.
- stickers etc render in a separate process, kinda like WebKit
- there is a an awful lot of testing code in the shipping binary?
YouTube has a property called “gimme” in their app delegate which seems their way to “inject” dependecies. Which is super nice, you can fast -jump to the remote config part. I guess onsies are the ads? 😬
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