1. I grew up in Kaduna but had friends all around northern Nigeria cos we moved around a lot. My 1st time as a kid seeing peacocks & ostriches wasnt in a zoo but in our family friends house! They were not in politics/military, the family was known for grains & leather. The https://twitter.com/harbyb_sakibu/status/1264883930429304832
2. first time I rode a horse wasn't at the beach like many here or at the equitation wing of the academy, it was in a friend's house. This was over 25 years ago, the family still own Arabian Mares, they have never been in government. Because people see Alamajiri pictures & videos
3. they are quick to conclude everyone in the north is broke, if you are rich then you must be in government. Just like the western media telling the world how india is so poor & racist. They show the world videos of slums in Dharavi but won't show anyone how glamorous Goa is, or
4. the high rise buildings scattered all over Noida, Navi Mumbai etc. The west will hype silicon valley but won't tell you how almost every tech there originates from Bangalore. Same thing with Nigeria, every bad thing we point North.
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