Thread of paranormal stories and experiences.
Background: I’ve experienced paranormal things in my house for as long as I can’t remember but some of these things happened at my nannans house where 2 people have died, one of which was murdered
Also before I start I just wanna say some stuff I’m still too scared to talk about or even think about so most of these won’t be that scary and probably won’t sound that bad or seem like they have other explanations but I believe them to be paranormal because of other experiences
1. The first paranormal experience I ever had was as my nannans house. I had just gotten out of the shower and I was in her room getting dressed and in the full length mirror I saw a woman stood behind me- over the years I’ve seen her multiple times in my nannans house normally
She’s at the top of the stairs. I like to think she’s protecting me from the other things in this house because I do believe one of the spirts here is evil from personal experience I’ve had and from things I’ve heard from my mum, aunt and uncle that grew up in this house.
2. A side note about me being protected is that when I sit cross legged I start rocking without even knowing I am. I can’t control it and I’ve done it all my life- my mum once said jokingly it’s my Grandmar rocking me and that freaked me out, I don’t believe this but it’s creepy
3. In my house I have a built in wardrobe my grandad built me- I always close the doors when I sleep because seeing into it in the dark freaks me out but their was a period of time where when I’d wake up the doors would be open for no reason- it happened for weeks and then it
Stopped and it hasn’t happened since ? I asked everyone in my house they hadn’t done it so one day I just said ‘please stop playing with the wardrobe doors’ AND IT STOPPED.
4. This is probably me not functioning like a normal human but only in my house I wake up randomly throughout the night most nights. Probably about 6 times a night for no reason but anyone else’s house I sleep fine
5. Kinda odd but sometimes late at night i can smell cigarette smoke so strongly and no one in my family has smoked for 7 years and when they did they never did in the house so I have no idea where that’s from
6. A few times I’ve woken up to the sound of metal being dragged across a concrete floor? Or wall? Or something from the corner of my room.. it’s inconsistent and idk where it’s from
7. Sometimes when me and my family are sat in the living room the downstairs bathroom door will just close and you can hear it close and no one is in there
8. My bedroom light flickers but I think that’s just the lightbulb
9. Back to my nannans house- as a child I was terrified of her kitchen and still to this day I refuse to go into in when it’s dark. I will stand at the edge of the doorway but I wouldn’t dare stand in it and I’ve been like that forever. Even before I found out that the kitchen is
Where the person was murdered. Apparently two friends were arguing in the kitchen and the friend who lived claimed he pushed him and he fell into the wall hit his head and died. But it’s believed to be an intentional murder (idk much about it) and you can’t find much online
Because this was a LONG time ago- my nannan has lived here for almost 40 years and it was way before her. Also side note the other person who died, died of a heart attack
Can’t fit anymore in the thread while it’s in my drafts so this is all for now
10. Often things in my house would go missing- it was normal. So one day I was stood at the top of the stairs asking my mum where something had gone (honestly can’t remember what) and she said she didn’t know. So I said ‘the ghost must have taken it’ and right as I said that the
Lightbulb above my head exploded. That’s in itself is freaky but what freaks me out more is that every other time in our house when I light bulb stops working all the lights in the house stop working and you have to flick a switch on the electrical box for them to work again
But this time it didn’t. It’s the only time it’s ever happened- now idk if this is because this lightbulb literally exploded and that had never happened before but idk? But when my dad went to move it the lightbulb was in multiple small pieces and all the glass was black
11. Sometime my dog barks at absolutely nothing for no reason
12. My friend refuses to stay at my house- she says it haunted too and won’t sleep over at all? So it’s not just me being crazy
13. You know that wardrobe I mentioned earlier? Yeah when my brother was younger he used to TALK into it and say someone was in there- this was when he was about 3/4 and my brother is autistic so he does not have the ability to make something like this up or even understand why
It freaked me out. My brother does not play make believe because his brain can’t comprehend it- so this one freaks me out a lot
14. This one is probably the scariest I’m willing to include- like I said some stuff I’m not willing to talk about because it was so bad this is one of theses things but I’m going to include it anyway.
So a lot of the time I wake in the night is due to the feeling of something grabbing my legs or ankles. It also happens before I sleep too, basically anytime I’m laid in bed and it eventually goes away but in that moment I’m always just frozen in fear and don’t move
15. In both mine and my nannans house I constantly have the feeling like I’m being watched but I’m quite paranoid anyway so? That’s probably that
16. One night when I was home alone for a week something kept hitting the front door- idk if this was paranormal or someone was trying to break in but either way it’s creepy. I did look out of my bedroom window and I couldn’t see a person so
17. This one just popped in my head and is actually a continuation of no 16 which is a weird coincidence. That same week I was home alone I went to the downstairs toilet... with the door open (do NOT judge me) the toilet connects to the kitchen and as I was on the toilet a
Chair at the kitchen table just ‘fell’ backwards and the back of the chair hit the floor so loudly I just sat there frozen for like 3 minutes
*disclaimer* I will now be updating this thread whenever I remember something because my memory sucks so unless something triggers a memory the majority of the time I don’t remember anything 👻
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