Regarding the Dove issue, can I just
Now that the eye roll is done, let's get to work.

Dove is an example of a syndet or synthetic detergent - it is not a soap.

Syndets are great for your skin bc:
- they have a neutral to slightly acidic pH
- contain lots of free fatty acids w/c moisturize the skin
Stearic/lauric acid are examples of these long chain fatty acids found in animal AND plant oils like cocoa butter.

These are considered emollient moisturizers and help rebuild/protect the skin barrier! 🥰
Sodium tallowate forms when u mix animal fat with lye (saponification).

This misleading post makes u think you're scrubbing animal lard on your skin. No.

As a surfactant, it helps make the non-water soluble oils/dirt on your skin be more water soluble = helps cleanse your skin.
Water is not the first on the list because the product we're talking about is a BAR. Not a wash, not something liquid, it's a BAR.

Ingredients first listed are the ones in greatest amount. If this were a liquid product, then water would probably be first.🤦🏽‍♀️
Cocaimidopropyl is a surfactant. While there have been reports of allergic reactions, literature states that the allergenicity is due to contaminants in cocaimidopropyl.

Lastly, a comedogenic ingredient does not automatically mean a comedogenic product ☝🏽🤓
Be careful of "clean beauty" fearmongers. They use fancy words to scare you into thinking chemicals are bad, while "natural" is good.
PS This is NOT a paid post.
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