Would you believe Me if I told you Kemet is South Africa? Bo Tutankhamun were in South Africa?
1) I've once attended a workshop of some fellow called brother Aunkh, he used to work for NASA and he told us the world map that is presented to us is upside down and reduced in scale. He emphasized that Afrika is supposed to be the other way round.
The shape that North Africa is given, is actually South Africa's real shape.
2) Credo Mutwa once said... "Egypt was here in South Africa. The land known as Kemet is South Africa. The pharos were here." this is backed up by many hieroglyphics found in South African caves. Credo also carried the artefacts of ancient Kemet. The Pharaoh's ankh, the necklace.
In Mpumalanga there is what you call the Kemet stone calendar called "inzalo yelanga" commonly known as Adam's calender, the same one exists in Egypt.
Archeologist Michael Tellinger confirms that this is the oldest man made structure ever made on Earth.

Mutwa states that South Africa has the most mysteries in the whole world. There are various Stone sites in SA called Simmulacra meaning rocks that look like humans.
These rocks were manipulated by humans to look like human beings. If you've seen the so called Lions head in Cape Town. You will notice that this is actually a Sphinx, especially from a birds eye view, one can see the whole body of this lion. Is it man made? I don't know.
The Venda Stone... The 10 commandments. South Africa is full of mystery!
But wait... There's more, a mummy was exhumed in Kouga the Eastern cape . The mummy was then taken to the Grahamstowm museum. The Khosi-San are still fighting the museum for the return of their Mummy.
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