"Nothing changed in India on 15 August 1947 except for the flag and the anthem. The Reserve Bank of India, in particular, followed the example of the police and general administration in regarding the people of India as idiots needing heavy-handed
"parental Guidance". Jawaharlal Nehru refused to do away with any of the features of colonial rule, with consequences that are particularly obvious and odious today. @MRVChennai
As for national finance, both the RBI as well as the Finance Ministry are to this day in thrall to those seeking to bend circumstances and policies in India in a way favourable not to the "idiot" people of India but institutions and agencies in the "civilized" world i.e.
i.e. the former colonial powers. M R Venkatesh has ripped away the façade of national purpose, and shown the colonial tint in policy and practice. A must read for those who acknowledge that the people of India are as adult as any elsewhere" @MRVChennai
Professor M D Nalapat
UNESCO Peace Chair
Manipal University. I accessed  it is highly useful to understand global economy. This thread is all about @MD_Nalapat's praise to @mrv on his meticulous research
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