As the incompetence, incoherence and rank hypocrisy at the heart of UK government is increasingly exposed it is sad to think of the avoidable harm this has caused.
As a GP working closely with care homes we all know there was no protective ring @MattHancock. I watched as the virus ran rampant amongst our elders and the shellshocked staff, as those they cared for became ill and died.
The focus on Protect the NHS has failed to translate into Protect the People. Unintended consequences are hurting the population, as health needs are either neglected, ignored, missed or treat by numbers. There will be an app for that, I'm sure.
We are crying out for grown up leadership. Distinct from ridiculous testing targets, massaged figures, confusing messages. And we need the lying to stop.
Brazil, USA and UK are living through tragedy, lifted only by the kindness of others.
New Zealand and Ireland can show us so much better.
Look at
I can get more useful advice from the Irish government and Irish department of health, than I can get from here in England.
It is time to demand better.
You can follow @guy_pilkington.
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