Regarding the #dojacat drama, I think a lot of people are chosing to ignore the fact she is very clearly intoxicated in thise videos. Not only that, I am yet to see anything racist being said? There is one guy who asked another if hes Arab but the video cut -
Off right as another member in the group was saying ‘shut the fuck up’ to the guy. Does that not show an intolerance to foul talk?
Also y’all are ignoring a huge mental health issue here because anyone with two brain cells can see she is going through it. Clearly an alcoholic and has extremely low self esteem issues and you guys can only make it worse when shes only human?
This #onlyklans trend is straight up bullying. You are creating a narrative that isn’t even conformed and painting a picture you thought up overnight. Learn to only trust what you can see and I ain’t seen racism. To ruin someones career over roomers-
Is childish and no better than gossip girl type shit. Why not cancel people for what we know is fact? Nicki Minaj is with a r*pist and Cardi B drugged and robbed people. I will not be listening to anyone who still stans them but wants Doja tore down.
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