A thread's going around suggesting only violent acts can be homophobic/transphobic. I'm not surprised this is from an older man who just wants everyone younger than him to shut up.
Violence might be the peak to incidents, but that isn't the beginning.
They start with words.
"Jokes" become rumor, belief, legislation when state-sanctioned. The people in his examples didn't spontaneously act out against us. The ground for each individual was laid long before they attacked anyone.
There's a resurgence of this opinion each year just before or in June. Older gays who are sick of Pride, who think we're too loud, entitled, etc, same old, same old.
We have Pride because when we stay invisible, we go back to being painted as the monster under the bed.
There won't be Pride parades this year because there's a pandemic and we're a community that knows better.
Still, we're going to keep talking, and taking issue with anti-queer language and legislation. The disgruntled can always block or log off.
We're not shutting up.
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