For those who remember I did threads a couple years back pointing out how the more prominent TERF voices on the UK's largest anti-trans forum were calling for a return of #Section28 to silence trans voices

As was inevitable, those voices such as Datum's claimed this was a lie despite there being multiple threads for it

But we all know that Datum lies as naturally as breathing and hear we are with TERFs who feel that the UK is now culturally "back" in the right place to do this
TERFs who openly cheer the return of s28 because they believe the UK is fully in a place where trans kids (whose rates of self harm and suicide are already appallingly high) will be left trapped in a situation with no way to get help or support

Trapped in a situation where they can't access healthcare

Trapped in a situation where they can't access therapy support unless it is the internationally recognised form of torture that masquerades behind the title, 'Conversion Therapy'

Trapped in families that can be abusive

Trapped unable to access any form of recognition and support for who they are

And trapped in a situation where they are demonised for being who they are. Openly described as 'freaks', 'deviants', 'disgusting', 'dangerous', 'predators'

Trapped in a situation where they become the hidden people that gay kids, trans, and non-binary people in the 80s and 90s were

Trapped in a forced underclass that makes them become the targets for abuse, sexual assault, and rape that too many of us back in the 80s were

And trapped unable to talk about it, or report it, or get help for it, knowing that if they do they will be publicly held up as 'asking for it', 'deserving it', that they led the sweet, innocent cis person on

This isn't an exaggeration. I'm one single story of so many from back in that time. I've only just started coming to terms talking about what happened openly and honestly and even now I struggle

Most people I know who went through the same thing never talk about it. Can't talk about it

And this is what TERFs want to bring back. And it's not by accident. This isn't a case of 'unexpected consequences'. This is the desired outcome

Because if TERFs can't get forced conversion therapy for trans people then they are perfectly happy to have society force the same thing on trans kids, and then trans adults

For TERFs this isn't a bug – it's a feature. And for them it doesn't matter if trans people are forced to live in the shadows or if we end up killing ourselves. As far as they are concerned both outcomes are as equally as good

Just as long as we cease to publicly exist. That's all they care about. They want us gone—


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