so this week I'm starting in earnest on my first bit of writing that hasn't come directly out of my PhD and that isn't a 'proposal'. Needless to say I am full of JOY.
I can't wait to write not in the future tense about things I find interesting.
What are these things? Ah, are they new and exciting ideas? Hello old friends.
(can you tell I'm at the early stage of writing in which the ideas make sense. taking bets on how many hours/days before faith in said ideas collapses before very slowly being rebuilt (probably post-submission))
I guess this is topical bc of last week's funding announcements: I have been rejected from two big research bodies three times and have countless other rejections under my belt. My ideas are still valid and sometimes very good.
It's been 2.5 yrs of writing solely job applications and unsuccessful research proposals. I finally got some success last month and have 2 yrs of job security which means headspace and a tiny bit of actual time for writing.
HANG IN THERE other precarious ECRS, if hanging in there is what you want to do. Sending solidarity (and can send actual support if anyone wants it).
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