"But if Cummings *had* got an autistic child, he should have been able to travel 260 miles with ill wife. His child is important".
Let's look at the numbers. It's back-of-envelope stuff, but humour me...
Ready? Thread/
2 million autistic people in the UK (more or less).
360,000 of them age 0-14 (approx). Picking this as example.
About 240,000 households caring for them.
Of those, say 5 out of 100 get the virus. That's 12,000 households.
So, imagine even half those doing a long trek/
You have 6,000 families touring the country, trying to pick the 'right spot' for their child 'just in case they die'.
But those 6,000 families are then spreading the virus round the country.
One person with the virus spreads to 3 people, given a chance. It spreads like wildfire/
It's not just autistic children and young people, is it, though.
What about all the other children and young people who need particular care?
Let's put those numbers up.
Now we have perhaps 24,000 families touring the country with their virus, looking for support..../
The rules about Staying At Home are there for a reason.
The reason is so that we do not spread the virus.
It's quite simple.

We can't just decide that one person's child is more worthy than everyone else's lives.
Every child is important.
Every life is important.
We save the most lives by Staying Home When Infected.
Just like the advice has always said.
Thank you for reading.
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