Normalizing the DPRK (Resource thread). I am hoping with the following links to clear up many of the misconceptions regarding the country. It is jabbed shamlessly by leftists who only believe what they hear in the news. Here are some videos and sites of relevance to fight back./1
First of all the biggest one that needs to be cleared: defections. Would it surprise people to know there are people from the DPRK studying and working abroad? But either way, this video helps show those who are trying to get to SK /2
and as to why their neighbor in particular is an edge case of desperation that was also seen in the GDR before the collapse of the USSR (and other countries as well due to the economic catastrophy) Many in the west (in this case also in south korea) /3
have taken advantage of the heavily sanctioned North, in order to gain illegal labor power through lofty lies of pleasure and infinite happiness that would await those that would "defect." Why is SK an edge case? Because citizens in the North have and are able to travel /4
essentially anywhere except for those nations which oppose them/support the sanctions. SK is very personal as families have been separated for decades, and either side can't see each other quite that easily. DPRK citizens who manage their way to the south however /5
Next: The aspects of life. This documentary is day to day footage not only in Pyongyang, but also outside of the city. Sanctions may make their life much more difficult, but in many aspects they are prospering and still working their way towards socialist construction. /7
Here is another academic video that is quite interesting for those not quite vested in to Korea's history to get a better understanding of the DPRK's political apparatus and the positions of those in power and the misconceptions driven about them: /9
As a final video to add, one about the Koreans living in Japan who embrace the DPRK and many who'd like to return there since post war:

If I find more easy stuff for people to digest I will continue this thread. /10
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