The internet is a macro nervous system locked on the sympathetic, the fight or flight. Hence the endless stream of new stuff.

People co-regulate with it through a shadow form of wholeness.

An overcompensation for the lack of relationality.

It's a trauma bond, hence why it
feels impossible to quit

It's a trauma bond bc we don't relate to others online through who we are, but through our adaptations to trauma. We triangulate through trauma, like a mental VPN 😂

Trying to force-quit will only fuel your need for it
There's a lot of unnecessary shame around our dependency on the internet. We're starved on connection and desperate to relate, to find support, to be reflected back. What makes it unhealthy is that it's done through the shadow, unconsciously
Echo chambers are created by a need for cohesion, congruence

The way to heal our relationship to the internet is to ask what function the addiction is fulfilling? Have compassion and understanding for the fact that
your nervous system is actually trying to create safety with very little to go on.

Trolls come from people's shadow anger finding an outlet. It's like people's inner child finally finding a way to release all the rage and frustration
Even people who purport to be conscious and deal with healing or improvement aren't safe from this. Many use the knowledge as a way to feel legitimized and seen

In short, the internet is a black hole for shadow content but it's also a mirror for our shadow.
The way to deal with it isn't to antagonize yourself, but try to have understanding for what is unconsciously controlling you. Parts of you are scavenging bc they're starving
You can follow @NeoSomaliana.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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