that’s not how u handle someone who has insecurities, people get insecure because they feel like they’re not enough. if you think that compliments are enough to make us feel less insecure, you’re wrong. insecurities are hard to handle and it takes the right answer to overcome.
it would be a lie if i say ive never felt insecure before, in fact everyday, every night i cry over the same insecurities again and again. it’s hard to overcome this kind of feeling, and it hurts so much, feeling less and feeling low.
instead, give them reassurance, tell them how great they are, that they are much more than enough, how important they are to you. make them feel like that, if not, try talk to them, let them spill the feeling off, listen and comfort them.
insecure don’t lead to depressions? are you sure?? sometimes being insecure can make someone gets anxiety attacks, it’s not good, if you believe that the person trusts you and can depend on you, insist yourself to talk with them. okay?
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